our supporters
Partners & Advisors
From intellectual luminaries through to everyday people who have donated or bought some of our products, we are deeply grateful to our supporters and partners who have helped us get this far, and are inspiring us to go much further yet.
gabriel weinberg
ceo and founder of duckduckgo.com
advisory board member
Gabriel is a successful serial entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in business, digital product development, partnerships and tech operations.
He is also the author of the new book ‘Superthinking - the big book of mental models’
prof. steven pinker
psychology professor and author
Professor Pinker cited the yourfallacy.is project in his NY Times Bestselling book Enlightenment Now saying it was “An excellent summary of common fallacies”. Bill Gates called Enlightenment Now his favorite book of all time, so we’ve very happy to be among these pages.
julia galef
public intellectual and author
advisory board member
Julia is a luminary in the rational skeptic community, author of the excellent book The Scout Mindset, and host of the popular Rationally Speaking podcast with guests such as Peter Singer, Ezra Klein and Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
david mcraney
author and journalist
advisory board member
David is a journalist and the author of several best-selling books including ‘You Are Not So Smart’ and is the host of the popular blog and podcast at youarenotsosmart.com which explores the many ways in which we suffer cognitive biases.